Home Write for Us

Write for Us

[Important Note:  Please contact us for sponsored posts only. Get in touch for pricing and information.]

Hello! Writers, The Webcing welcomes new authors. If you’ve got an idea that will challenge our readers and move our industry forward, we want to hear about it.

We’ll be honest, though: writing for Webcing takes work. We want your article to be at its best, and we’ll push you to get there. Once accepted, you’ll get extensive feedback from our team, and you’ll work closely with an editor on revisions.

What We Publish?

Keep in mind that we only accept original content—we do not publish anything that’s been published elsewhere.

What We Don’t Publish?

We do not publish articles that have already been published on the internet. Even you made some changes to it. We only accept Unique and Original.

You should not include any fake information or data in your content. You must give proper citations, credit, and quote the source of information in the article.

We don’t publish Adult, Casino, & CBD content.

Guidelines for Article Submission

If you’re reading this, then you probably want to know how to submit a guest post to our blog. Well, you’ve come to the right place! Just keep reading for all the details.

We love receiving guest posts from talented writers out there. If you have a great idea for a post, we’d be more than happy to consider it. Just follow these guidelines to submit your post proposal. Thanks.

  1. Content length: The perfect length for your article is 800 to 2500 words, depending on the type of content you are looking to produce.
  2. Search engine optimized: SEO Friendly content. Meta Title, Meta Description, and also mention focus keyword.
  3. Educational and entertaining: Make reading more interesting to keep your audience’s attention with engaging content. The output tone should be witty, funny, or otherwise engaging enough that readers want more!
  4. Links: One link in the author bio and one contextual link — a follow link to your blog or website. No more links please unless approved on request by our editors. We hate to spam our readers.
  5. Images: Include multiple screenshots and images that clearly and visually convey what you’re writing about. Make your text come alive.
  6. Plagiarism: Your content should be 100% unique and not copied from anywhere on the internet.
  7. Drafting: Make sure it’s well-written, actionable, to the point, and error-free. Review your article for grammar, spelling, and style mistakes.
  8. TAT: We take the utmost 1 To 3 Business Hours to endorse your post.

If everything goes well, we will publish your article within a week and will email you the article link.

How to Submit (and what happens next)

Email us your submission. We prefer submissions as Google documents so that editors can easily provide feedback and guidance directly within your draft. You may also send us a plaintext file or a link to an HTML document. (Please do not send a ZIP file of assets unless requested by an editor.)