Everything To Know About 213 Area Code

213 area code

If you live in Los Angeles, you may have received a phone call from the Area Code “213”. This is the telephonic area code for the most iconic and diverse city globally, Los Angeles. It is more than a mere numerical designation; 213 encapsulates the vibrant tapestry of the communities, experiences, and histories that make this sprawling metropolis. This post will explore all the essential bits about this remarkable area code and why businesses in Los Angeles purchase area code 213.

What Exactly Are Area Codes?

Area codes are 3-digit numbers that are critical parts of a telephone number. It helps to direct the calls over long distances to their location. In this case, 213 is the code for Los Angeles. The initial three-digit numbers at the beginning of the contact numbers are known as toll-free numbers. The caller will not have to pay any money to call. 

About California

If you are a resident of California, you can use the 213 area code to make local phone calls to other numbers within the same area code without having to pay long-distance charges. 

Moreover, callers outside this area code who want to contact someone from this area must add 213 prefixes for making phone calls. Whether you are a business, resident, or visitor to Los Angeles, understanding the 213 area code will allow you to stay connected to places and people you care about in this vast and dynamic city.

History Of Area Code 213

The 213 area code is situated in part of Los Angeles. It is located in the Pacific time zone. It is also called Los Angeles/America. The 213 area code was developed in 1947 and was amongst the original 86 area codes created by AT&T and Bell. This area code generally covered southern California, including Los Angeles. In 1998, it was split, raising the need to update some numbers to Area Code 213.

How do you make phone calls with area code 213?

The dialing process for area code 213 has changed significantly compared to other area codes within NANP.

To make phone calls to a phone number with the 213 area code, follow the steps given below:

  • First, dial the exit code for your nation. For example, the exit code for India is 0.
  • Dial’s country code for the US is 1.
  • Dial the area code of Los Angeles, which is 213.
  • Then, dial the seven-digit phone number of the person you want to call.

For instance, if you wish to dial 111-5678 in Los Angeles with a 213 area code outside the US, you must dial 00-1-213-111-9999.

However, remember that you don’t have to insert an exit or country code to call someone within the US. All you have to dial is 213-111-9999. Moreover, if you want to call cell phones within the 213 area code, add 1 before the 7-digit phone number.

Why Should Businesses Get Area Code 213?

Getting a local number will help businesses spread their presence to the farthest corners of the globe and allow customers and clients to contact their business more easily through landlines. It helps businesses to expand their business even further. 

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